Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHAREDH LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE sysidchk sysIdVerify sysidchk sysIdMessage sysinfo sysInfoCheckMinSysReq sysinfo sysInfoCheckCPU sysinfo sysInfoCheckEnhanced sysinfo sysInfoCheckWinVer sysinfo sysInfoCheckDosVer sysinfo sysInfoCheckCdRom sysinfo sysInfoCheckMscdexVer sysinfo sysInfoCheckMemory sysinfo sysInfoCheckVideo sysinfo sysInfoCheckMouse sysinfo sysInfoCheckMidi sysinfo sysInfoCheckWave sysinfo sysInfoClusterSize sysinfo versionGetInstalled user32 BringWindowToTop kernel32 GetTickCount user32 SetWindowText msvideo VideoForWindowsVersion The Complete Reference Collection 1998 Setup INFO: Running under Windows NT, INFO: Running under Windows 95 INFO: NOT a Paletted device., INFO: Using Palette mode. :\Program Files\Compton's Home Library\CRC98 INFO: On a screen larger than 640., INFO: NOT on a screen larger than 640. instsu32\setupcie.dll INFO: szPreviousPath = b INFO: szVersionName = b INFO: szPreviousPath = b INFO: szVersionName = b Compton's NewMediab cnme.exe The Complete Reference Collection 1998A Successful and normal completion. INFO: User attempting to exit via Exit Button. INFO: User bypassed the BillBoards. WIN32\SYSINFO.DLL ERROR: sysinfo.dll was NOT found. ERROR: Unable to load sysinfo.dll. INFO: System Requirements satisfied. WARNING: System Requirements NOT satisfied. sysreq.crc The Complete Reference Collection 1998 - Setup Minimum System Requirements which were not met. Personal Computer (Processor) Windows Version CD-ROM Drive Installed Memory Video - Screen Mouse Sound Card (Midi Device) Sound Card (Wave Device) dlgSRA dlgSR! dlgSRA sysreq.crc dlgSRA INFO: system requirements unsatisfied - user continues., system requirements unsatisfied - user quit. dlgSR dlgSR Requirement: b Detected: b dlgFA dlgF! dlgFA You will find the Reference Collection icon in the Compton's Home Library program group in the Program Manager. Setup will now start the Collection., dlgFA You will find the Reference Collection icon in the Programs/Compton's Home Library/The Complete Reference Collection 1998 section of the Start Menu. Setup will now start the Collection. INFO: Start selected in Farewell Dialog.! INFO: View Readme selected in Farewell Dialog.! INFO: Finish selected in Farewell Dialog. dlgF" notepad% readme.txt INFO: Launched Readme by calling -b - passing -$ win32 cnm.ini cnme.exe INFO: Launched application by calling -b - passing -$ dlgCA dlgC! dlgCB7 dlgCA dlgCA dlgCA dlgCA INFO: Small foot print selected., dlgCA INFO: Medium foot print selected., INFO: Large foot print selected. There is not enough space on any of your hard disks for the foot print you have selected.A INFO: Not enough space anywhere for foot print., INFO: Continue selected in Config Dialog.! INFO: Exit selected in Config Dialog. INFO: Back selected in Config Dialog. dlgC/ Unable to create needed directory. INFO: Deleting unneeded files. INFO: Deleting unneeded files. INFO: All files copied. Unable to create needed directory. Unable to create directory (b Comptons\CRC98! GROUP: -a Comptons\CRC98$ - was created. ERROR: Group -a Comptons\CRC98$ - was NOT created. Comptons\CRC98A Compton's Home Library\The Complete Reference Collection 1998 EXIT: b dlgEWA dlgEW dlgEWA Loading file list . . . instsu32 setup.fl! setup.fl ERROR: Unable to open file - b Unable to open file! Setup Failed - Exiting file was not found. footprint( small( medium( large( Invalid footprint specified in file list. n Line number: $ ERROR: b Error in file list. group( dlgEWA Checking file list . . . INFO: Built file list. dlgEW dlgEW ERROR: File NOT found! - b File NOT found! Setup Failed - Exiting file was not found. WIN32\SYSINFO.DLL ERROR: sysinfo.dll was NOT found in findPreviousInstall. ERROR: Unable to load sysinfo.dll in findPreviousInstall. INFO: Version located.$ INFO: Product Name = b INFO: Installed Directory = b win.ini Compton's NewMediaa! The Complete Reference CollectionR INFO: Ancient install located.! INFO: Previous install located.$ INFO: szPreviousPath = b cnm.ini Installa FootPrint22 INFO: iPreviousFootPrint = b Installa UninstallLogR INFO: szPreviousUninstallLog = b INFO: Previous install found, but cannot locate INI (b INFO: No previous install found in the Registry. ERROR: Unable to locate Version and Install info. Unable to modify b cnm.ini ed:\buttons.set% BMPSetsa buttonsb INFO: Wrote -buttons=b - to the -BMPSets- section in file -$ INFO: Unable to write -buttons=b - to the -BMPSets- section in file -$ cnm.ini Directoriesa INFO: Wrote -NMS=b - to the -Directories- section in file -$ ERROR: Unable to write -NMS=b - to the -Directories- section in file -$ cnm.ini buttons.set BMPSetsa buttonsb INFO: Wrote -buttons.set=b - to the -Set- section in file -$ ERROR: Unable to write -buttons.set=b - to the -Set- section in file -$ cnm.ini Installa Footprintb INFO: Wrote -Footprint=b - to the -Install- section in file -$ ERROR: Unable to write -Footprint=b - to the -Install- section in file -$ cnm.ini Installa Dateb INFO: Wrote -Date=b - to the -Install- section in file -$ ERROR: Unable to write -Date=b - to the -Install- section in file -$ cnm.ini Installa UninstallLogb INFO: Wrote -UninstallLog=b - to the -Install- section in file -$ INFO: Unable to write -UninstallLog=b - to the -Install- section in file -$ cnm.ini prefs.ini Installa Dateb INFO: Wrote -Date=b - to the -Install- section in file -$ ERROR: Unable to write -Date=b - to the -Install- section in file -$ prefs.ini win32\$ cnme.exe win32 cnm.ini cnme.exe The Complete Reference Collection 1998 Comptons\CRC98, The Complete Reference Collection 1998 Compton's Home Library\The Complete Reference Collection 1998 ICON: Application icon was created.% cnm.ini Registrationa Disable27 ereg\reg32.exe CRC 1998 Registration, CRC 1998 Registration ICON: Registration App was created. readme.txt$ notepad b Read Me for CRC 1998, Read Me for CRC 1998 ICON: Read Me text was created." uninst Uninstall CRC 1998b ICON: Uninstall was created. Comptons\CRC98a& The Complete Reference Collection 1998a ICON DELETED: CIE97., ICON: Unable to delete CIE97. Comptons\CRC98a CRC 1998 Registrationa ICON DELETED: Registration App., ICON: Unable to delete Registration App. Comptons\CRC98a Read Me for CRC 1998a ICON DELETED: Read me., ICON: Unable to delete Read me. Comptons\CRC98a Uninstall CRC 1998a ICON DELETED: Uninstall., ICON: Unable to delete Uninstall. eregreg.ini! eregreg.ini, eregreg.ini sh22mon.exe! sh22mon.exe, sh22mon.exe search.log! search.log, search.log infopilo.log! infopilo.log, infopilo.log setupcrc.log! setupcrc.log, setupcrc.log aolinfo.dll biss45.dll bs450rtl.dll dib.drv im4_exp.dll jewin.dll ows250.dll sh22mon.exe sh22w16.dll switcher.exe xqueryw.dll Comptons\CRC97A Comptons\CRC97a Complete Reference Collectiona ANCIENT ICON DELETED: CIE97., ANCIENT ICON: Unable to delete CIE97. Comptons\CRC97a CRC97 Guided Toura ANCIENT ICON DELETED: Guided Tour., ANCIENT ICON: Unable to delete Guided Tour. Comptons\CRC97a CRC97 Registrationa ANCIENT ICON DELETED: Registration App., ANCIENT ICON: Unable to delete Registration App. Comptons\CRC97a Read Me CRC97a ANCIENT ICON DELETED: Read me., ANCIENT ICON: Unable to delete Read me. Comptons\CRC97R Comptons\CRC97! ANCIENT GROUP DELETED: Comptons., ANCIENT GROUP: Unable to delete Comptons. ANCIENT GROUP: Comptons group is NOT empty. .bmka CnmBookmarka CNM Bookmark Collectiona license.txt dlgLb dlgL! dlgLA! INFO: Yes selected in License Dialog.! INFO: No selected in License Dialog. INFO: Back selected in License Dialog. dlgL/ setupcrc.log Setup (32-bit) Began on a setupcrc.log setupcrc.loga setupcrc.log setupcrc.log INFO: Moved log from b to $ COPY: b to $ COPY: b to $ ERROR: failed to copy b to $ ERROR: failed to copy b to $ DELETED: b ERROR: Failed to delete b zetaopt.lst zetaopt.lst! INFO: Optional components file -b - is NOT present. INFO: Optional components file -b - is present. ERROR: Unable to load optional dialog -b dialog was not found. ERROR: ItemName is not present in optcomp.lst. ERROR: CommandLine is not present in optcomp.lst. ERROR: WorkingDir is not present in optcomp.lst. ERROR: IconPath is not present in optcomp.lst. ERROR: IconNumber is not present in optcomp.lst. Comptons\CRC98b ICON: -b - icon was created. INFO: User chose not to install -b win32\$ cnme.exe$ cnm.ini$ win32 cnme.exe REGISTRY: Application Path added., REGISTRY ERROR: Failed to add Application Path. REGISTRY: Application Default added., REGISTRY ERROR: Failed to add Application Default. The Complete Reference Collection 1998! REGISTRY: Uninstall Name added., REGISTRY ERROR: Failed to add Uninstall Name. InstallPathA REGISTRY: Application InstallPath added., REGISTRY ERROR: Failed to add Application InstallPath. REGISTRY: Association already exists for -b -. No Association created. REGISTRY: Association already exists for -b -. No Association created. REGISTRY ERROR: Failed to create key for -b REGISTRY: Created key for -b REGISTRY ERROR: Failed to set value for -b REGISTRY: Set value for -b REGISTRY ERROR: Failed to create key for -b REGISTRY: Created key for -b REGISTRY ERROR: Failed to set value for -b REGISTRY: Set value for -b \DefaultIcon resource.dll,$ REGISTRY ERROR: Unable to create key for -b REGISTRY: Created key for -b REGISTRY ERROR: Failed to set value for -b REGISTRY: Set value for -b dlgSDA dlgSD! dlgSDA dlgSDA INFO: Back selected in Set Dest Dialog., The path you have specified is not valid.* The drive you have selected does NOT have enough space for the installation. Select another drive -- or -- Go to the previous dialog and select a smaller configuration. INFO: Continue selected in Set Dest Dialog.% TARGET directory = b CREATED: TARGET directory = b ERROR: Unable to create the destination directory: WARNING: Failed to create TARGET directory = b INFO: exit selected in Set Dest Dialog. dlgSD! dlgSDA dlgSD! dlgSDA dlgSDA dlgSD! dlgSDA dlgSDA dlgSDA dlgSD dlgSD/ dlgSDA dlgSDA dlgSDA WIN32\SYSINFO.DLL ERROR: sysinfo.dll was NOT found. ERROR: Unable to load sysinfo.dll. INFO: Cluster size for b is $ dlgSDA Deleting Group and Iconsg Comptons\CRC98A Comptons\CRC98R Comptons\CRC98! GROUP DELETED: Oxford., GROUP: Unable to delete Oxford. GROUP: Oxford group is NOT empty. Cleaning Registry$ SOFTWARE\a Compton's NewMedia$ REGISTRY: Cleaned out key -b REGISTRY ERROR: Failed to clean out key -b The Complete Reference Collection 1998 Setup* Successfully Un-Installed.A Deleting Files DELETED DIRECTORY: b The Complete Reference Collection 1998 Setup( If you discontinue the installation, The Complete Reference Collection will not run on your machine. Are you sure you wish to stop the installation?A Incomplete (Copying) exit verified. no reason to verify exit. If you discontinue the installation, The Complete Reference Collection will not run correctly on your machine. Are you sure you wish to stop the installation?A Incomplete (Modification) exit verified. no reason to verify exit. INFO: Incomplete exit declined. dlgWb dlgW! INFO: Continue selected in Welcome Dialog.! INFO: Exit selected in Welcome Dialog. dlgWRA dlgWR! dlgWRA dlgWRA dlgWRA INFO: Modify selected in Welcome Repeat Dialog.! dlgWRA INFO: UnInstall selected in Welcome Repeat Dialog.; The Complete Reference Collection 1998 Setup( Are you sure you wish to UnInstall The Complete Reference Collection 1998?A INFO: UnInstall verified. dlgWR dlgWR% uninst.exe -y -fb Uninstaller started., UnInstall completed. INFO: UnInstall declined., You must select to either Modify or UnInstall the current installation.A INFO: Exit selected in Welcome Repeat Dialog. dlgWR dlgWR _MRQ8 3.00.062